About Me

Hi there! My name is Patty and I am the designer and owner behind Four Boys and a NL Girl designs which I opened in 2016. I am a mother to three boys and married to the fourth 'boy', my husband of twenty five years.
I am lucky enough to have come from generations of people who were creative with their hands. Hand crafting was a necessity when you had children to clothe (thirteen children on my paternal grandparents side and nine on my maternal side) before the Internet, online shopping and, in my parents childhood for example, before electricity came to town.
I like to think a little of their ability and knowledge continues on in me and I'm passing it onto my children too.
Welcome to my little corner of the Internet where I share with you cross stitch patterns, cross stitch kits, hand making tools, apparel and printables. I hope you enjoy your visit and I am always open to suggestions! Feel free to message me below if you would like to see something special and specific.
Patty XO